Sunday, May 8, 2011

Listening to Sad Songs to Make You Feel Better

When you're feeling absolutely horrible, and all you want to do is cry (whether you like to admit it or not, it's ok we're all human, tears are most definitely natural) what do you do? Do you cheer yourself up by listening to a good song and dancing around the house? Or do you listen to sad music and make yourself even more sad than you already were, because you want to cry some more and get all the pent up emotion that's inside of you out? Or maybe you like to cry and laugh at the same time, who knows! Everyone is different!

Well, if you're the latter, don't worry you're not alone, I'm like that too. When I'm sad, and I listen to sad music, until I get all the sad emotion out of me. I'm actually pretty good at keeping my emotions under control. But like so many things in this lovely world of ours, I have my limit. My emotional span is not unlimited unfortunately, and neither is yours. Eventually, we have to physically let out what were feeling. Our spiritual is tied and married to our physical in that weird way, sobhanAllah. Whether you skip, dance, run, scream, bang, kick, jump, whatever. All your actions are your emotions, your internal bubbling up and rising to your external, your surface! When your mad, there's always something that shows it. Usually a person's eyes are the best give away to their emotions!

It's pretty insane actually. They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul, and I actually totally believe that. If everyone was just so awesome at covering up how they truly feel on the inside, we should all be Emmy Award winning actors/actresses. But anyway, getting back to the point...

So here are some things I do to let out my sad emotions. I take my iPod, put in both earphones and blast some of the saddest music I have! I used to have a playlist actually titled "Sad Songs" haha, but I got rid of it after thinking it was pretty pessimistic, that's just me though. So yea I try not blast the music too much so that I don't kill my ears, but just enough that I don't hear anything else around me. After that I go somewhere I know that I'm alone, and I let it all out! I'm not really ashamed of it. Embarrassed, yes but I figured there may be other people out there who may be looking for some common ground on this particular subject. And I have no problem at all at it being at my expense.
Ocean Hope

Don't be afraid to let out your emotions when your alone. It may seem cowardly to others, but who cares what the may say or "think." In the end we're all alike because I bet you that they do the same. They're just scared to death of someone finding out that they take a similar course of action when they're feeling so sad. But that's okay, everyone's different, and everyone deals in their own way.

In the end, let your emotions out, and don't be ashamed, you need to be honest with yourself, and when it comes to self-truth, nothing and no one should really stand in your way. Go out for a run ( I do that a lot too) scream into a pillow, do the dishes aggressively (but be careful not to hurt yourself! lol), etc. I actually do all those now that I think about it. So anyway, be proud of being human, be proud of feeling the world around you!

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