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I mean the heat of school of course! This guy clearly did lol. Sometimes when my teachers assign homework I feel like they're telepathically asking me that question. I almost want to jump up and say, "Yes! I admit defeat! Where's the white flag so I can wave it?!" But I don't, I keep my composure like everybody else and say to myself, "Shut up and deal with it Neena, there are other students out there who are doing way harder work than you." Which is true, but of course everyone likes to have their piece of mind. It's always important to challenge yourself school and your education, but not to the point where it may have a negative physical, or mental, impact on you. so here are my suggestions, and things that I do to keep myself going through this seemingly endless haul of homework.
- Start homework a half hour or an hour after you get home from school. Whether you're coming straight home from school, work, or practice, it's important that you get some sort of mental break. Even though you may not be using your brain at work or practice as much as you use it for school, it's still a bit of a toll. Take a quick break and a breather, just don't get to the point where you feel like procrastinating (the enemy of all students!)
- Make a schedule. Making a schedule isn't just key, but it's sticking to it too, otherwise it becomes useless, and you just spent your time making it for no reason. A schedule offers organization, not just of what you need to do so that you don't forget, but also time management. And be realistic when making your schedules. I often find that I can over estimate my ability to complete homework in the short amount of time that I'd like to complete it in, which at the end of the night can make me feel like I haven't worked as hard as I could've, and that may not be the case. So I'll be beating myself down on something that I just don't have control over.
- Take breaks! It is so important to take down time so that you don't burn yourself out during the first hour or whatever of homework. take five to ten minute breaks where you snack on something, watch a YouTube video, or something that you enjoy doing. Just be careful with those YouTube videos because they can get pretty addicting ;p I remember my English II teacher had told my class that a person needs to take a break from work every 20 minutes.Which seems pretty logical to me. Actually it may have been one of the few logical things this particular English teacher ever said, he would actually make us take five page notes just on constructing a sentence, that's right sentence, not sentenceS. He was a cool dude though haha.
http://www.unitedcampusministryatfsu.org/sunday_bible_study__upcoming_events - Go to bed at a decent time. I finally found the perfect bed time for me in order for me not to need a nap when I get home from school. If I'm in bed by 10:30 at night, I'll have more than plenty of energy for the day waking up at 6:00 in the morning. Every person's body is different! Every person is unique and therefore has their own needs. Your body may not react to the same amount of sleep as your bestfriend. Your bff may be able to survive on just six hours of sleep, and my goodness, power to her! However you may need your solid eight hours. Don't be ashamed of that! Sleep is so important to our body systems and mental health.
- If you don't manage to finish what you planned on finishing, relax, it is not the end of the world. You're up one or two hours past when you're used to sleeping and you're falling asleep while staring at those words or numbers on the page that just don't want to stick in your brain, go to bed. There isn't much point in staying up late trying to finish homework that you're not paying attention to. Because now not only are you not getting anything out of your homework, but you're not getting much sleep either. So try going to bed and waking up extra early to finish, at least that way you'll have some sort of rest and energy in your body. When you get home nap all you want, just don't forget to wake up in time to finish the homework you have for that night or else the cycle will never end.
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I really hope this helped sisters! This is just some pointers that I've discovered from my own personal experiences. If you've got some ideas that you like to do that help you out with studying, than feel more than free to leave some comments for your other sisters!
Salam ladies! See you soon inshallah!
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