Thursday, October 28, 2010

Celebrity Stalked Without the Free Designer and Unlimited Glam

Have you ever felt that when you're walking through the streets or into a store, or just anywhere public, that everyone is just STARING at you? It's quite off-putting, but what can you do about it? I truly do feel sometimes that paparazzi is going to leap out any minute now and just start snapping away. It's not in the good way. Not because you're Selena Gomez and people want to catch a picture of you feeding a dog on the street, but because you're Britney Spears, just got out of rehab, and people can't wait to see what crazy thing you'll do next.

 I'm a runner, have been since middle school and it's something that's become apart of me, something that I can't give up. Maybe it's just me being paranoid, but now when I run with my hijab wrapped around me, I can see people literally turning in their seats to just STARE. It's a wonder an accident hasn't happened yet because of this. I truly feel that people just like to oggle at me sometimes, or that they don't like to, but they forget themselves, their manners, and just go ahead and do it. As a hijabi, it's obviously not about fitting in, and not wanting the "unwanted attention." It's about pleasing Allah, and of course, nothing else matters.

Although we can't help ourselves. I know that I am not perfect, and some things do bother me because I just can't help it. I'm working on it, trying to bring myself back to the right type of thinking, but like I mentioned before, it's not easy.... You kind of know how celebrities feel now, but like the title of this post says, it's being a celebrity without the designer and the glam, at least not the type of glam that we know about on Earth ;)

Until another time, Salam Sisters!

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