Sunday, October 17, 2010

Hi there! I think introductions usually come first in these things :p

Ok, so I am totally new at this. I am a big fan of blogs, bloggers, video blogs on YouTube, the works. And I've always admired these bloggers for being able to get their thoughts out to the public for so many reasons. One: they're not afraid of being criticized because if they were, they wouldn’t blog, duh! two: they do believe what they have to say is important, and three: they care enough to take the time to make these postings and reply to their readers and viewers. So having been a blog follower for a couple of years now (sheesh that makes me sound so old!) I think I've finally gotten the confidence and courage to make my own blog, I know I'm such a drama queen, I mean c’mon, it’s just a blog!
So if you haven’t figured it out yet, I am a hijabi (ergo the title). I’m deciding how to define hijab because in Arabic there are different definitions, and I decided to check out and it says that it is a covering for the head and face that Muslim women wear… mmm, not quite. Not exactly the type of definition I was looking for, so I’ll try my best to define it myself.
Hijab is the concept and/or idea of a Muslim woman taking on the lifestyle of modesty. The standards for a hijabi, as described in the Quran, is covering the entire body from head to toe except for your face, hands, and feet (this one is actually debatable because I’ve heard so many opinions). It is the idea of modesty, so it doesn’t count if you are covering from head to toe with the exceptions, and yet people can still tell the exact your exact body shape because your clothes practically look like they were painted on. That’s a no-no.
So what is this blog about? Anything and everything! I suppose you could just think of it as the world through a hijabi’s eyes, but I feel like that would be stereotyping all hijabi views and opinions by my own. Which is so not true. Just because we all wear scarves on our heads, does not mean that we all think the same too, duh!
This is just my first post, kind of an introductory get to know you type thing and also for me, get used to blogging type thing. So here are a few fun facts about me.
·         I am a fashionista, I love fashion and I’m pretty open-minded to all types of styles and new ideas. My favorite thing to do is to hijabify fashions and styles! I feel like I can do so much more with fashion now than when I wasn’t a hijabi, quite interesting sobhan allah.
·         I like to rant, which I think is a crucial characteristic actually for any blogger, when you think about it, bloggers really like to talk! Best thing is you can always shut them up by closing out the page, wish I had that option with some of my teachers. Hahaha, jk!
·         I often/sometimes get these epiphanies and it almost kills me not to tell them to people, ergo my reason for blogging (I just love saying ergo! It makes me feel so smarticle! Thanks to iCarly, aaanywhoo).
·         I love to listen to people. I know that’s weird because I just said I like to rant too, but what could I possible rant about if I’m not taking in new information? So let me know you’re opinions, I seriously and truly want to hear them!
·         I listen to both Arabic and English music, I must admit that I’ve been way more on the Arabic side than the English side. I mean I haven’t listened to the radio in three months since yesterday, I turn it on and the SAME EXACT SONGS are still playing! No wonder we consider a song old after only two or three months, radio stations beat them dead.
·         More about my background: I live in the US, but I was not born here. Came her when I was 2 with my Mom and older sister, my Dad was here before us getting ready to bring us over, and my little brother and sister were born in the States. I am applying for colleges this year and I’m also taking three AP classes (for all you who don’t know what AP means it stands for Advance Placement, just a fancy way of saying you’re taking college course classes while still in high school). Yes I know, three APs and I’m starting a blog, I am out of my mind.
Well anyway that’s enough about me. The whole point of me making this blog is because I want to advance the world of Muslim women, hijabis, nonhijabis, old, young, whatever and whoever! I’m always searching for more Muslim women and young adult bloggers because I love to read about people who are like me. Who deal with the same things as a I do every day, and also who have the same outlook on life as I do. That is just so important in my opinion, that you find others like yourself in the world. I mean don’t get me wrong, I am all for diversity! I think it’s great, I encourage it. But you should always be sure that you have a good balance that you’re comfortable with. After all, it is well known that the more you hang out with a person the more you become like them. Which makes sense, it doesn’t mean you’re a poser or fake, it just means that you’re adaptable. And if human beings weren’t so adaptable, we probably wouldn’t be anywhere near where we are today.
So thanks for reading, Jazak Allah Khairan, I will make more posts soon! Leave me some comments on what you would like a Muslim Sister to write about! What you want to hear from a hijabi! Whether you are Muslim or not, maybe you’d like to learn more about Islam, which is great, knowledge is always a great thing to give you a more comprehensive scope of life. So, ask me anything. Salam!

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